Friday, May 4, 2012

Why Young Adult novels appeal to everyone

It’s clear that young adult novels appeal to all ages—adult women flock to Twilight conventions and book signings, and it’s not just to accompany their teenage daughters (though clearly, they’re big fans of as well). Everyone from tweens to the middle aged swarm the bookstores for the latest young adult fiction books. It’s an interesting phenomenon and something worth looking at—why do young adult novels appeal to readers of all ages?

For starters, young adult novels provide an extraordinary escape into an imaginary world, far away from reality. While they address themes that are all too familiar to the teenage crowd, the issues tend to be ones that readers of all ages can relate to. If you were ever a teen, you’ve been there, done that—plus, many of the issues YA books cover transcend age and gender. The result is an entertaining outlet that is compelling and intellectually stimulating to every type of reader.

Another element of YA literature that appeals to all ages is their tendency to cross boundaries and genres. Many popular books for young adults blend elements of romance, sci-fi, mystery, steampunk, fantasy and adventure. Others might combine dystopian literature with a romantic storyline or subplot, such as The Hunger Games trilogy and popular new releases like Save the Pearls Part One Revealing Eden. The possibilities are endless in the YA genre, as readers are open and excited to get their fix of many different elements, so authors strive to deliver.

In a recent survey conducted among adults who regularly buy books for young adults, many said they preferred the straightforward language they’re written in, as opposed to some of the flowery prose found in many adult novels. Readers also said they appreciated that there can be a romantic storyline and elements of fantasy, without some of the stylistic devices and gratuitous content that is often prevalent in books geared to an older audience. Books for young adults, even those from genres like fantasy, adventure or sci-fi, are all about the story—Revealing Eden is a perfect example—like much other dystopian literature, it’s got strong story with themes of romantic apocalypse woven in.

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