Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Young Adult Fantasy Novels and Their Popularity

As the popularity of young adult fiction books soared in recent years, the genre has split into a wide range of sub-genres that often get confused. A few of these niches stand apart from the rest, such as young adult fantasy novels, as sales over recent years convey.

Young adult fantasy novels are typically written for readers between the ages of 12 and 18—though we now know that they span the gamut of ages, from tweens to middle-aged. What sets them apart from other young adult novels is that they contain fundamental elements that are unrealistic, such as supernatural powers, magic, talking animals, wizardry and the like. In the best fantasy novels, the focus is on make-believe settings and beings, a departure from the accepted rules of society.

The best fantasy novels tell stories that would not happen in real life. This makes it easy to confuse these stories with science-fiction, which is different from fantasy, though it’s a fine line that defines the two genres. For example, young adult fantasy novels are often set in the not-so-near future, which is typically considered a sci-fi setting. These types of young adult novels are often shelved in the same area, due to the difficulty of categorization.

This explains why fantasy is a genre that transcends age boundaries. Many adults have enjoyed Harry Potter, Twilight and Lord of the Rings—all of which significantly drew interest to the genre, but were considered and marketed as young adult fiction books. This makes sense because legends and myths have been a part of our culture since the beginning of time, with most literature based on such. Fantasy allows us to escape while opening the door to the possibilities of the world around us, and will maintain its popularity indefinitely.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Popularity of Paranormal Romance Novels

Paranormal romance novels are hot as ever—more books are being made into films or televisions shows, sequels are being churned out and conventions are teeming with fanatic readers. It’s an interesting phenomenon that many experts have differing opinions about, but that writers and publishing houses across the world are capitalizing on.

With roots in Gothic fiction, paranormal romance books experienced an upsurge due to the growth of technology, the internet and electronic publishing to became one of the fastest growing trends among young adult fantasy novels. Recent bestselling series produced record breaking profits, encouraging publishers to seek out up-and-coming authors of the genre.

A sub-genre of the romance story, paranormal romance books are born from speculative fiction that focuses on romance yet often takes place in a sci-fi setting. They typically blend elements of the supernatural and horror themes that are currently trending among young adult fantasy novels. Centered on a science fiction or fantasy plot, the romance element tends to be more of a subplot. This is a similar formula to the military romance genre, which may have lost its appeal due to the reality of conflicts in the last decade.

In paranormal romance novels, protagonists may have supernatural powers or may be in love with a character who has them—ghosts, shapeshifters and vampires, as well as those with psychic, magical or spell casting abilities. Often times, these characters may not like each other in the beginning or are unable to be together due to extenuating circumstances. The plot builds to a climax and usually results in these two characters falling in love, with perhaps elements of mystery, crime or suspense that leads to the time-honored theme of good prevailing over evil.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How To Enjoy The Fun Of Young Adult Fantasy Novels

Everyone knows reading is fundamental, and for people who love reading young adult fantasy novels, it can be fun and educational. Unlike a movie, a person is able to imagine a tale whichever way she or he chooses, which makes the story more exciting and believable. Learning is also incorporated because the reading and comprehension skills tend to improve and may be beneficial for different areas of study in the life of a young person.

Targeted audience for this type of book usually is aged between 10 and 18. This is why many parents do not have to worry about inappropriate content not suitable for children. Yet, the fun and excitement present will still leave readers pleased and excited to learn more.

Such material is so interesting that it tends to strike the curiosity of adults also. Many mature individuals deeply enjoy reading an imaginative book for different reasons. With intricate story lines and lovable characters, it is hard not to enjoy these reads no matter how old someone is.

When trying to select a novel to purchase, the cost is typically not an issue. Due to the personal preferences that a reader has, choosing a book often becomes more difficult. Luckily, many options are available.
An immense number of writers that create these tales write them in styles that can be appealing to a very diverse audience. Anyone that is curious about the story line of a book usually has the opportunity to see the featured summary, or synopsis, that’s included. Many times, a potential buyer is able to look through the book’s pages at the bookstore where it is being sold.

Choosing to purchase young adult fantasy novels will cure any boredom that a growing person may have. As the creative mind is sparked, a child or teenager will be able to appreciate reading about various topics because of an increased ability to understand what is written. Such an inexpensive and valuable form or entertainment should not be overlooked.

Do you want to get your children away from the computer for a bit? Consider introducing them to the idea of pleasure reading. Books aimed at young adults are numerous as are the quality authors, with the genres of young adult fantasy novels, science fiction and fantasy books in the vanguard. A great new book of this type is the Victoria Foyt’s “Revealing Eden”, the first novel of her “Save the Pearls” trilogy.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Appeal of the Fantasy Romance Genre

Publishing houses everywhere have enjoyed lots of recent success with fantasy romance novels. Their enormous appeal can be attributed to the fact that they allow the reader the opportunity to escape for awhile and rejoin reality with a sense of hope and promise. Research shows that readers find this genre rejuvenating, especially among young adult novels. They provide distance from real life and practicality in exchange for a clearer insight into reality.

Fantasy romance is a subgenre of fantasy fiction—it employs significant elements and conventions of the romance genre, enough to give balance to its name. The key focus of these stories is obviously relationships, as well as their key social and political factors. In books for young adults, there are also intertwined themes with coming-of-age issues.

As the best fantasy novels enjoy increasing popularity, many publishers, including small publisher companies like Sand Dollar Press, are drawing more and more critical attention to the genre. What is being discovered is that there is a need for a better understanding of the genre as a whole. In order to critique any type of fiction, whether paranormal romance books or something more straightforward, there has to be a clear understanding of the work. Whether analyzing young adult fiction novels or classics, there are some fundamental tenets to consider, yet also some niche specific elements to consider as well.

Certain traits that critics agree on in regards to properly defining the genre include story, characterization and the story’s heroes, the fantasy setting of an otherworldly place, the struggle between good and evil, and romantic plot. With the surge in popularity among paranormal romance novels, there can also be an element of magic or the supernatural to be critiqued. Young adult fiction novels from the fantasy world should also contain some of the main elements of the genre, and characters should be especially relatable.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dystopian Themes in Books For Young Adults

If you haven’t noticed, the trend towards post apocalyptic books and dystopian novels is growing. Movies based on the genre’s best-sellers are in production, and publishing houses, including Sand Dollar Press, are receiving more of these submissions. What exactly is dystopia and why do these stories appeal so much to readers of books for young adults?

Dystopia is defined as “a work of fiction describing an imaginary place or state in which life is extremely bad due to deprivation, oppression or terror.” So basically, the opposite of Utopian—a once-popular theme for some of the best fantasy novels of all time.

There are a lot of theories behind the reasons why readers of young adult novels crave such dark stories. While many attribute the trend to internet-age marketing, others believe that it’s a form of escapism—if we really lived under a cloud of such a dark future, would readers be so enamored by these post apocalyptic books?

Another theory focuses on teen feelings of oppression, which can breed an urge to rebel. Young adult fiction books give these readers a chance to visit a world where they are not subject to dress codes, school bells, or constantly under surveillance. While it seems that good fantasy romance novels or paranormal romance books would provide that escape, the market may have been oversaturated with stories of wizards and vampires.

It’s very interesting that only a year ago, young adult fantasy novels were all the rage. Every small publishing company, including Sand Dollar Press, was overwhelmed with submissions of paranormal romance books. Everyone was looking for supernatural powers to accent the protagonist’s appeal.

Since the demographic is not at all limited to teens, perhaps this genre’s popularity among YA fiction is because readers want to relate their feelings of hopelessness in terms of the immense powers that be, the government and everything bureaucratic, to the feelings of a dystopian protagonist who gives us hope for mankind.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Books for young adults aren’t just for young adults

When you’re browsing books for young adults at your local bookstore, you’ll notice that the YA section is busy, but not just with teenagers and tweens. The reality is that many readers of young adult novels are actually middle-aged—it’s clear that young adult fiction books, especially paranormal romance novels and young adult fantasy novels, have a wide-ranging audience, resulting in sales that far surpass those of adult books, even the best fantasy novels.

Twilight started a trend for paranormal romance books, which was soon followed by a growing demand for dystopian novels, post apocalyptic books and fantasy romance novels. A perfect example is Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games series, which were all hailed as the best fantasy novels of the last few years. The third in this series of post apocalyptic books, Mockingjay, has sold more than 1.3 million hardcover copies and takes science fiction and fantasy books to an entirely new level. This series of young adult fiction novels is also an Amazon Kindle bestseller.

Most book publishing companies, including Sand Dollar Press, are adapting to this reader-driven industry shift. Publishers are seeking acquisitions of young adult fantasy novels and paranormal romance books, with larger publishers expanding each niche into own department. Bookstores are devoting entire sections to fantasy romance novels and paranormal romance books.

The Twilight series clearly started the trend of adults reading young adult fiction novels, and opened “grown adults” up to genres they left behind when they graduated high school or college. More and more readers who were once thought as older than the YA demographic are now searching for fantasy romance and dystopian novels at an unprecedented level.

In addition, science fiction and fantasy books are enjoying significant growth amongst older readers. You’ll find readers of all ages in forums, blogging about young adult fiction books and browsing the YA section of their local bookstores. Publishers like Sand Dollar Press are taking note, so we can look forward to even more growth of these genres.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tips for Writing For the YA Market—Part Two

Whether you’re writing post apocalyptic books or a YA fantasy adventure romance novel, one of the most important elements is voice. Once you find your voice in young adult novels, the language and right sentence structure should come easily. If it doesn’t, it could easily be a sign that you don’t really have your voice down yet. Another thing to keep in mind when writing books for young adults is to never talk down to the reader—treat them like they’re adults, because a lot of times, your readers are.

Young adult fiction books tend to cover touchy subjects, and publishing companies look for such controversial issues to be addressed, including Sand Dollar Press. Whether you’re working on a young adult fantasy adventure romance book or a series of post apocalyptic books, YA readers are used to the gamut of themes. While issues are a key element, it’s more important to find the character and their voice and tell their story—rather than build the story around the issue.

Another popular aspect of young adult novels is the happy ending. YA readers want to finish the story with at least a glimmer of hope. Even if you leave your protagonist on the brink of a romantic apocalypse with the love of their life, a little bit of hope goes a long way.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tips for Writing For the YA Market—Part One

Writing young adult books, whether your niche is post apocalyptic books or a young adult fantasy adventure romance like the Save the Pearls series, can be tricky yet extremely fulfilling. At a small publishing company like Sand Dollar Press, there are certain things we recommend to writers who want to write young adult novels for the first time.

Surrender boundaries
The beauty of young adult fiction and other books for young adults is that the genres blend seamlessly and can have parts that transcend typical demographics. Novels for young adults can easily incorporate elements of young adult fantasy and romantic apocalypse with adventure romance, harlequin romance, sci-fi and mystery. Currently, the independent publishing world is seeking post apocalyptic books with a bit of each genre. For example, Sand Dollar Press was ecstatic that the first book of the Save the Pearls series crossed so many genres that they were able to deem it a young adult fantasy adventure romance.

Point-of-View (POV)
It is so important to get the POV right. The most important thing to consider when writing young adult books is that your narrator is writing from an immediate perspective, not as an adult remembering the past. The story should be told from the POV of a teen protagonist who lacks the knowledge we have in adulthood—that’s the only way YA fiction will work.

The age of the protagonist in young adult novels should suit your targeted audience. A book publishing company will typically want the main character’s age to be the same as the book’s ideal reader. Another thing to keep in mind is that readers of young adult books tend to read upwards in age, not down. A high school age reader of books for young adults will not want to read about the trials and tribulations of a middle school character. What is most important to a book publishing company is that the characters in novels for young adults are relatable, even if it’s a protagonist of a young adult fantasy book with superhuman powers—they can still suffer the same issues as real teenagers and that is where they become relatable.

What’s also important to independent publishing companies is the character’s arc—readers of YA fiction will want to watch the character learn, grow and change throughout the story. The reader can even possibly not like the character at first, but grow to truly relate and admire them by the end of the story. Whether it’s a theme of harlequin romance or romantic apocalypse, we want to watch them learn lessons and apply what they’ve learned.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New YA Fiction Books Have All the Appeal

It’s clear that young adult books appeal to all ages— adult women flock to YA conventions and attend book signings, and it’s not just to accompany their teenage daughters (though they’re big fans of novels for young adults as well). Every small publishing company, including Sand Dollar Press, is seeking young adult novels, especially those with young adult fantasy themes. It’s an interesting phenomenon and something worth looking at—why do young adult novels appeal to readers of all ages?

We surveyed a group of women who prefer novels for young adults to find out the reasons why. Many said that books for young adults are usually written in more straightforward language, as opposed to some of the flowery prose found in many adult novels. They can incorporate young adult fantasy elements and harlequin romance style love stories, but without some of the stylistic devices and gratuitous content. Young adult books, even those from genres like young adult fantasy adventure romance, are all about the story—Save the Pearls Part One Revealing Eden is a perfect example—like many other post apocalyptic books, it’s got a strong story with themes of romantic apocalypse woven in.

Books for young adults, especially YA fiction, let you escape into an imaginary world, away from reality. The best part is, even young adult novels that encompass themes of young adult fantasy adventure romance are intellectually stimulating. Plus, it’s fun to get into the mind of fantasy characters or those that are usually found in Harlequin romance books.

Every independent publishing group and book publishing company is looking for YA post apocalyptic books, especially those with an underlying theme of a romantic apocalypse, such as the Save the Pearls series. The publisher of the series, Sand Dollar Press, is a small publishing company that is definitely releasing and seeking books of this genre.

YA novels can be from any genre, whether it’s romance, sci-fi, mystery, steampunk or paranormal—and tends to transcend several genres at once. It seems that a smart independent publishing company (or any book publishing company, for that matter) will open its doors wide to any form of YA fiction.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trending Now—Supernatural Characters

Regardless of whether or not the vampire genre is losing traction, a growing trend among young adult books and independent publishing groups is the supernatural protagonist. Whether it originates from the young adult fantasy adventure romance genre, harlequin romance novels or post apocalyptic books, a story featuring teen heroes with supernatural powers is what YA readers crave. Is this rise in popularity among novels for young adults due to the connections teens feel with these protagonists? Are they sort of a metaphor for teenage existence?

Companies like Sand Dollar Press, a small publishing company, are releasing young adult novels with these type of characters—if not supernatural characters, then perhaps they have paranormal attributes, or as in post apocalyptic books, live in a new world laden with technological advances that bestows them with other types of power. This is the scenario in the Save the Pearls Part One Revealing Eden, young adult fantasy adventure romance book that Sand Dollar Press will release November 1, 2011, as well as with other young adult books.

Think about protagonists in recent best-sellers—obviously in Twilight, there was a romantic apocalypse coupled with the lead character’s propensity for brooding and yearning. These themes are often present in young adult fantasy fiction, post apocalyptic books and other books for young adults—and are easy for teens to identify with.

Look at recent bestsellers and you will see novels for young adults featuring supernatural protagonists—Lauren Kate's Fallen, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, James Patterson's Witch and Wizard and Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush. Every book publishing company is looking for young adult fantasy with the possibility of a romantic apocalypse or perhaps the tried and tested harlequin romance theme, where you can’t always have the one you love. In the Save the Pearls series, the lead character finds herself attracted to the man she believes to be her greatest enemy. It’s a great formula for young adult novels and one that every independent publishing company seeks to execute.

While the romantic struggle will always be a theme books for young adults, plotlines are evolving to include more complexity and relatable issues that teens deal with daily. Watch for trends in upcoming releases from independent publishing groups and your favorite small publishing company.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beyond the Vampire and On to the End of the World

As the market for books for young adults and the YA fiction continues to boom, new trends are emerging that go beyond the vampire story. Teens nowadays have a good amount of disposable income—and they’re spending it on young adult books, from the young adult fantasy adventure romance genre and Harlequin romance style novels for young adults to post apocalyptic books like the Save the Pearls series. Every book publishing company, whether an independent publishing group or small publishing company, is paying attention.

As the popularity of the vampire and young adult fantasy soared, many writers scrambled to approach every small publishing company of young adult novels to submit their take on the genre. But are teens and the market for young adult books just interested in reading books for young adults that are about wizards and vampire romances? What the independent publishing world is now witnessing, including Sand Dollar Press, is a greater fascination with the world of post apocalyptic books and fiction geared around a romantic apocalypse.

Many an independent publishing company is focusing their search on post-apocalyptic fiction as a growing favorite among young adult novels. The range of themes is broad, and this style may include elements of young adult fantasy, though it no longer has to be based in the supernatural or paranormal. These novels for young adults tend to center around societies in ruins due to the failures of adults in a sci-fi setting—often with a sense of impending romantic apocalypse. The youthful protagonists may have the power to save the world, just like Eden Newman in the Save the Pearls series, published by Sand Dollar Press, an independent publishing company.

It seems like a small book publishing company should search for a range of Harlequin romance fiction and young adult fantasy adventure romance novels to post apocalyptic books.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Supernatural Characters and the YA Fantasy Genre

With the success of Twilight and the Harry Potter series, it looks like the YA fantasy genre is here to stay—and with it, the popularity of supernatural characters in young adult books. Supernatural protagonists are everywhere in young adult novels—from the new style of YA fiction called post apocalyptic books and those with a romantic apocalypse plot, to young adult fantasy adventure romance and Harlequin romance for young adults. It makes sense, those who crave young adult fantasy probably expect strong supernatural elements.

The popularity of vampires in YA fiction and novels for young adults is said to stem from the ability teens have to relate to the characters. While modern day teenagers and lovers of YA fiction and young adult books may not need to drink blood to survive, they relate to the characters’ angst, of wanting what they can’t have or brooding their own existence.

Every book publishing company, from independent publishing groups to a small publishing company like Sand Dollar Press, looks for novels for young adults with protagonists that are easy to relate to and empathize with. Now that vampires, zombies and warriors are dominating the scene in young adult novels, it’s easy to find ways for the reader to relate and get excited. Post apocalyptic books like the Save the Pearls series allow you to completely understand the character and how they face a romantic apocalypse, but it’s just that the character lives in different, more dramatic settings and situations.

Many an independent publishing company, Sand Dollar Press included, is on the quest for relatable characters magically “gifted” with supernatural or paranormal powers. With the amazing success of many young adult fantasy adventure romance stories and other YA novels with magical characters, it seems that a recipe for success for every book publishing company is to release these types of books for young adults. Just think about recent bestsellers like Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, Lauren Kate's Fallen and James Patterson's Witch and Wizard, and of course, the Twilight Series. They may not be Harlequin romance novels, but they are a great bet for any independent publishing company.

For now, teen fantasy novels and YA fiction centered around romantic relationships will continue to be the toast of the independent publishing world. Young adult fantasy novels are easy for a small publishing company to market and release and are always in demand—as long as, like in the Save the Pearls series, the characters are those teens can relate to.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Trends in YA Fantasy

What’s hot in the young adult books and YA fiction? Is the trend in young adult fantasy romance novels, post apocalyptic books and adventure romance here to stay? While young adult fantasy is growing increasingly popular in the independent publishing world, readers get more and more discerning with each new release.

2010 showed us that the trend in young adult novels and YA fiction is more than just a predilection to an old school Harlequin romance story or romantic apocalypse novel, it’s about strong, empowered characters who readers can relate to, even when the storylines have paranormal elements or are defined as a young adult fantasy adventure romance.

Librarians all over the country report that the popularity of young adult fantasy novels and post apocalyptic books among teens is rising. Books that combine fantasy with real issues that are relevant to teen’s lives are the most in demand. For example, even though Bella is in love with a vampire, we can relate to how she feels when she first moves to a new town and how it can be difficult to understand young love. That type of young adult fantasy adventure romance story is an ideal bet for a small publishing company or independent publishing group to focus on. A perfect example is an independent publishing company like Sand Dollar press in its commitment to publish Save the Pearls Revealing Eden. Bottom line, novels for young adults can have all the elements of Harlequin romance books and young adult fantasy, as long as there are elements that are relevant to the lives of modern day teens.

The recent popularity in YA zombie books is testament that the acceptance of magic and fantasy in young adult novels is here to stay. Since high school life is a common thread of the YA fantasy genre, the trend towards young adult books set in high school with zombies and magical teens makes perfect sense. On the brink of a romantic apocalypse or saving the world, as in Save the Pearls, the characters in these books for young adults still have to cope with homework, popularity and peer pressure. Novels for young adults may be contemporary teen fantasies, but they’re more about understanding real issues than escaping reality.

As a book publishing company that focuses on quality novels for young adults, Sand Dollar Press strives to find the best in the popular genres. We are working to provide the best in contemporary fantasy books for young adults.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What we do at Sand Dollar Press

Sand Dollar Press, Inc. is an independent publisher of novels for young adults and women. We specialize in quality books in the areas of science fiction, mystery and romance.
Our extensive background in the world of independent publishing and filmmaking gives us a fresh outlook on marketing our books. We have many resources for creating video book trailers and viral campaigns, coupled with expertise in marketing, public relations and social media strategy, that results in the unrivalled execution of book launches.

It is our goal to create books that entertain and empower readers, and to garner exposure with innovative promotional campaigns that are as imaginative as the books themselves.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about novels for young adults!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Independent Publisher Announces the Publication of Young Adult Novel Written by Renowned Author and Screenwriter Victoria Foyt

Santa Monica, California (PRWEB) September 16, 2011

Sand Dollar Press, an independent publisher of fiction for young adults and women, announces the publication of Save the Pearls Part One REVEALING EDEN, a groundbreaking Young Adult, fantasy-adventure/romance novel penned by Victoria Foyt. The book is scheduled for publication on January 10, 2012. It will be released as both a hardcover and e-book. This is the first time ever that one of Foyt’s novels will be released as an e-book.

In Save the Pearls Part One REVEALING EDEN, Foyt examines the themes of beauty, racism and the deteriorating environment in an entertaining fantasy/sci-fi plot with a romantic love story at its core. Geared to the Young Adult market, the novel is the first in a series and marks Foyt’s second novel for this burgeoning demographic. Foyt said of her new book: “I set out to write a futuristic beauty and the beast story and ended up tapping into deep-seated fears and fantasies of my own. I believe the themes of racism and beauty, while seemingly harsh, are universal and hopefully, enlightening.”

Sand Dollar Press Inc. Head of Marketing Chaton Anderson commented, "Sand Dollar Press is honored to launch such a compelling and creative project that will have a lasting impact on the way readers view the prevalence of racism, preconceptions of beauty and its distortion by the media, and ultimately, how they live their lives. We’re also thrilled that Victoria has decided to make this young adult fantasy book available in e-book format as it will avail her work to a new demographic.”

Foyt’s first young adult novel, The Virtual Life of Lexie Diamond, garnered rave reviews and was recommended by the Center for Children’s Books. In addition, it earned a five-star, “must-read” rating from The success of this coming-of-age, mystery young adult novel inspired Foyt to write the Save the Pearls series. Foyt’s career also includes co-writing several critically acclaimed feature films, Going Shopping (2005), Déjà Vu (1997), Last Summer in the Hamptons (1995), and Babyfever (1994).

About the Author

Victoria Foyt is an author and filmmaker. Her debut novel, The Virtual Life of Lexie Diamond, released in ’07 by HarperCollins, is a Young Adult coming-of-age mystery thriller. It achieved excellent critical reviews, including a five star, “must-read” rating from, and was recommended by the Center for Children’s Books. During her film career, Victoria co-wrote and starred in four critically acclaimed feature films, Going Shopping (2005), Déjà Vu (1997), Last Summer in the Hamptons (1995) and Babyfever (1994), which were helmed by indie film director Henry Jaglom. She also co-wrote Festival in Cannes (2001) and has penned articles for O At Home, Harper’s Bazaar and Film & Video. For more information, visit

About Sand Dollar Press

Sand Dollar Press, Inc. is an independent publisher of fiction for young adults and women, specializing in quality novels in the areas of science fiction, mystery and romance. For more information, visit


Chaton Anderson
Sand Dollar Press Inc.

Friday, September 16, 2011

What Makes Young Adult Fiction So Compelling?

Writing books for young adults is a particularly fun brand of creation, and a favorite genre of our small publishing company, as well as for most in the independent publishing world. While readers of young adult novels tend to be in the 12-18 age range, YA fiction is popular amongst all age groups, especially Harlequin romance style books and those in the young adult fantasy genre. Readers tend to get drawn in by novels for young adults because no matter their age, the themes and issues in young adult fiction are always relatable.

YA readers tend to devour books from all genres: adventure, sci-fi romance, mystery, fantasy, humor, and mystery, among others—at a small publishing company like Sand Dollar Press, we are seeing a huge surge in those reading young adult fantasy adventure romance, romantic apocalypse and post apocalyptic books like Save the Pearls Revealing Eden. In addition, female readers still favor the style of Harlequin romance novels.

The diverse topics explored in books for young adults let readers learn about unfamiliar aspects of their world as well as other cultures, while examining deep issues in a nonthreatening way. Whether the book is a young adult fantasy adventure romance book or one about a romantic apocalypse, readers can empathize and learn the importance or relationships, coping with situations and tragedy, and personal evolution. As an independent publishing company, Sand Dollar Press looks for young adult books that are especially empowering to females, while another book publishing company may focus only on sci-fi or young adult fantasy novels.

While young adult novels generally run between 40,000-75,000 words, some run shorter or longer. In independent publishing, length will vary. It’s better for writers to focus on telling the story and then check the guidelines the book publishing company they are interested in sets forth. Sometimes a small publishing company will be more flexible with their specifications. It’s much more important to focus on telling a compelling story rather than the length. Often times, post apocalyptic books have so much ground to cover with detailed plots and many characters—therefore, it’s understandable why they may run much longer than other genres.

Visit to learn more about working with an independent publishing company and to get information on Save the Pearls.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Writing YA books

Many aspiring writers write to our book publishing company to ask about the best route for writing young adult novels and getting them published, whether through a large or small publishing company or independent publishing. That’s a difficult question that really requires knowledge about the writer’s individual project, though we can definitely give you some tips on writing young adult books.

The elements that make books for young adults actually fall into the YA category are not what you think. It’s not necessarily about being hip or super trendy or writing a young adult fantasy that is specifically for teenagers. Though they may be called YA fiction, people from all ages read young adult novels. Whether you’re working on a harlequin romance novel, a young adult fantasy adventure romance or a series of post apocalyptic books like Save the Pearls, young adult novels should convey the essence of adolescence and coming-of-age, and involve themes of what teens relate to and experience. The reason almost everyone can relate is that the issues we faced during our teens are the same as what we face now, it’s just that it may be the first time the characters in books for young adults face those situations.

Working with an independent publishing company like Sand Dollar Press enables you to understand what makes a young adult fantasy adventure romance or book about a romantic apocalypse work. While many novels for young adults may focus on sex and drugs, it’s not always about the obvious—it’s about discovering who you are and where you fit in. Almost every YA book, evens ones from the young adult fantasy sub-genre, will take you on an adventure where the protagonist shares their triumphs, obstacles and mistakes as they discover who they are and where they belong.

Adolescence is a time of fun, confusion and emotions. It’s when you simultaneously dream of falling in love and experiencing a romantic apocalypse. We learn about humanity, suffering and the good in life during our teens—this is why the most successful novels for young adults are filled with such themes. Whether you’re writing a Harlequin romance or post apocalyptic books, YA fiction continues to inspire the reader’s journey to find out who they are. Perhaps the reason that young adult books appeal to all ages is because we, too, are all still continuing to discover ourselves.

The great thing about a small publishing company or independent publishing company like Sand Dollar Press is that it brings readers books like Save the Pearls that transcend age, gender and everything else. To learn more about independent publishing, visit